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Showing posts with label Lose Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lose Weight. Show all posts

The Best Way for Women to Lose Weight

Losing weight is a hot topic and always will be. Whether you have a lot or a little to lose, you want to know the best way to shed those unwanted pounds. There's a lot of one-size-fits-all advice making the rounds, and it's just not working for women.

The reason that it's not working is because men and women don't lose weight the same way - even when using the same methods. You only have to look at the difference in a man and a woman's distribution of fat cells to understand this.

A woman tends to have all over body issues when it comes to the distribution of fat - from the neck to the arms to the midsection to the thighs. A man generally gains most of his weight in his belly, but everyone is unique, so you can't generalize too much.

The Role of Your Metabolism in Weight Loss

You can watch what you eat and work out just as hard as the next person and find yourself struggling to shed every single pound. A body's metabolic makeup is one of the reasons that people differ in how quickly they can take off excess weight.

When it comes to metabolism, there is no level playing field here. For example, men easily lose weight faster than a woman because their muscle mass plays into how fast their metabolism works.

It doesn't seem fair, but that's the way it is. Your metabolism is the way that the food you eat gets turned into energy. Your metabolism is what uses your calorie intake.

So, depending on how fast or slow your metabolism rate is, you'll either burn calories quickly - or you won't. There are three main things that determine how well your metabolism will help you lose weight.

The first is whether or not you're a man or a woman. Despite thoughts to the contrary, men actually have less body fat than women. This is the case because with rare exceptions, men carry more muscle on their bodies than a woman does.

Men are often more focused on having muscles than women are. The more muscles that you have, the easier it is for your metabolism to work for you, burning calories.

If you have less fat - along with having a great muscle mass - then whenever you try to lose weight, you'll do if faster than someone who doesn't have those advantages.

This is why women can struggle to lose ten pounds over the course of a month and a man can drop it in a couple of weeks. Your bone structure also plays a part in how fast your metabolism works.

The bigger boned a person is, the quicker he or she will burn calories because of a faster metabolism. People that have a larger bone structure will also burn more calories while they're sleeping because their resting metabolism is faster.

Age also plays a part in how fast your metabolism will help you to burn calories. When you grow older, your metabolism slows down due to the changes that take place in your body.

Even if you're sedentary, your metabolism will burn calories, but you'll fare better with weight loss if you're exercising consistently - regardless of whether you're a man or a woman.

Avoid Quick Fixes

It can be very tempting to focus your weight loss on whatever rapid diet fad is floating around. But a quick fix isn't really a fix at all because the weight loss doesn't last for the long haul.

Most quick fixes are fad diets that involve cutting out complete food groups or eating weird foods that smell or taste horrific. If you eliminate entire food groups, your body isn't getting the nutrients that it needs.

You may also end up severely limiting calorie intake. When your calorie intake becomes too limited, your metabolism will slow down because your body will go into preservation mode.

Any diet that claims it has a miracle solution to all of your weight loss needs isn't being truthful. If there were such an easy fix, everyone would use it. There are scammers that will eagerly prey on your desire to lose weight.

These quick fixes create a yo-yo effect. You'll lose weight, but it will come right back. And when quickly lost weight returns, it often brings with it more pounds than you originally lost.

Not only that, but quick fixes can be dangerous to your health - especially if they're extreme. Any quick fix that involves dangerous methods should be avoided.

By using safe methods, you can lose weight and you'll be healthier while doing it. You can tell if a method is a quick fix with phony claims if it promises dramatic results overnight or in a very short time period for a huge amount of weight. There's no such thing as overnight weight loss.

5 Food Habits to Practice When You Want to Lose Weight

There's a reason that grocery stores put all of the tempting foods at eye level and within easy reach. We like things easy and fast and when we see our favorite fattening foods, it can override our willpower.

It's even worse if we're tired, moody or bored. How tired we are, how we feel and what we're experiencing can influence food choices. Denial can also be an issue when you're thinking of changing your food habits in order to lose weight.

When most women hear the word "diet," they immediately start thinking about all of the foods they can no longer eat. Losing weight is not as much about denying yourself food as it is simply choosing to eat more good foods over the less healthy ones.

The first food habit to practice is to plan for successful weight loss. This means that you don't want to have the foods that are your weakness within easy reach. You don't want to avoid them altogether because the more off limits a food is, the more your body will have a craving for it.

If you have certain foods that are your weakness, you should still buy them, but get them only in single serving sizes. The second food habit to adopt is to use portion control.

We tend to underestimate the size of the portions on our plate and it can be too easy to stay in that super sized mindset. It's always better to measure out portions.

The third food habit is to learn how you're sabotaging yourself. You should ask yourself if you're truly hungry or if you're reaching for something simply because it's your fallback mechanism kicking in.

Your fallback mechanism is what you rely on when you're feeling down or worried about something or you simply have the munchies. This is when you can eat more than you intended.

The fourth food habit is to fit your weight loss eating plan into your lifestyle. This is the area that trips up many women who want to lose weight. They plan out all of their meals at home, but fail to plan for the times when they might be working late or out with friends.

It can be too tempting to think that you've blown it for one night so you might as well over-eat. Figure out ahead of time what you're going to do to eat healthy for the times when you can't make it home by dinner.

The fifth food habit is to monitor your hunger level. When you get hungry, this can cause you to override all of your good intentions. Keep healthy snacks on hand and eat more often than you normally would.

You can break up three large meals into six smaller ones. Not only will you feel fuller all day, but you'll eat better and keep your metabolism revved up to burn more calories.

What's Your Weight Loss Plan?

You have to have a strategy in place when you want your weight loss efforts to be successful. There's some great advice available when you want to lose - and some not so good advice, too.

You want to make sure that you lose weight in a way that works for you. If you try to work with a weight loss plan that doesn't suit your lifestyle or needs, you'll only end up frustrated.

What works for someone else might not work for you and that's okay. It's true that weight loss is as simple as eating less and moving more. However, how you eat and how you move does play a role in whether or not your attempt will be a successful one.

There are so many different types of eating plans that you can choose from. Some are more structured than others. You can choose from well known weight loss programs like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig.

These programs work wonderfully for some women, but don't for others. You can purchase books and follow diets like the DASH diet or the Mediterranean diet. If you're good with planning, you can create your own healthy eating strategy.

Your weight loss plan needs to include what you're going to eat, when you're going to eat and where you're going to eat. You'll want to figure in home, restaurants and office foods.

By having a plan, you have something that you can rely on to help you stay on track. Besides eating, your weight loss plan needs to cover exercise. What kind of exercise you're going to do and when is important.

Exercising Helps You Lose Weight

When you mention exercise, it can cause a negative reaction among many women. That's because exercising can become repetitious and boring. Plus, there's always something else that seems to call your attention - something more fun... something that you really want to do.

Exercise should never make you feel miserable emotionally or make you dread doing it. If you feel that way, then something needs to be overhauled about your exercise plan.

In order to be successful with weight loss, you have to burn calories. But that doesn't mean that you have to drag yourself out of bed every morning while it's dark outside to hit the gym.

It also doesn't mean that you have to come home from work, dead tired, and head out to yet another cardio class. First, you can always exercise at home. There are many great products on the market that make exercising from home easy and effective.

You can find a wide selection of workout DVDs that can help you lose weight and get toned. Secondly, you don't have to do any kind of structured exercise program.

Instead, you can choose to get moving and do things that you actually enjoy. If you enjoy whatever kind of physical exertion that you're doing, then you're more likely to keep doing it and reach your weight loss goal.

A fun activity can be anything that you enjoy doing that gets your heart rate elevated. Walking is still one of the best ways to take off those extra pounds. You can walk around familiar areas in your city and play tourist for a day.

You can even sign up for a walking tour. Walking on any surface that offers some resistance is helpful. One such surface would be the sand at a beach. Hiking is also a fun form of exercise. You can slowly build resistance, too - and hike different trails in your state.

Getting your pets out of the house is another way to enjoy some exercising. You can put the dogs on a leash and take them to the local park. If the weather is too hot or it's raining outside, you can walk at the mall.

Not only is this an interesting form of exercise, but you'll be able to do some window shopping along the way. If you're not that fond of going for a walk or hiking, you can enjoy long bicycle rides.

Riding a bicycle not only helps you lose weight, but it tones your muscles as well. You might find that you enjoy bike riding to the point that you join others in local competitive races.

Dancing is another form of fun exercising. You can do this at home or you can choose to join a club or take dance classes. The point is that if you make exercising something that you look forward to doing, you're more likely to stick with it than if you view it as something you have to do that you don't want to do.

Products That Can Help Women Lose Weight

There are some tools that can help you reach your weight loss goals. Some of these tools are very inexpensive while some will cost you a little more. Journals can help track your eating plan as well as keep up with your exercise data.

You can use it to record your measurements if you keep an eye on those. Your measurements are often the first indication that you've lost weight - and this can be something that helps keep you motivated on those days when you don't feel as if you're making any headway.

There are many essential oils - including ones such as lavender or patchouli - that can help you with your weight loss goals because these can soothe anxiety that can trigger an emotional eating response.

You can purchase meditation CDs or DVDs that can help you deal with overeating that might be caused by stress. There are also DVDs featuring many of the more popular exercise programs. Some of these programs don't require any additional tools, but a few of them will.

Exercise equipment can also be a big help when you're trying to lose weight. If you hate the thought of exercising, then look for equipment that helps make it fun.

You can find indoor cycles that feature pre-programmed workouts. But there are also gaming cycles that you can get. These are exercise bikes that come fully loaded with video games.

You can work out while you enjoy playing a video game. This kind makes you feel as if you're part of the track that the screen lays out for you. Video games can be a part of making exercising fun - especially if you have the newer game consoles. You can check out active ones like Wii Tennis.

Whatever equipment you choose to buy, there will often be a women's version, a men's version, and a gender neutral version. Check out the benefits and limitations of each one and don't force yourself to buy a piece of women's equipment if you feel you need some of the other perks offered on different items.

How Long Should I Exercise To Lose Weight Fast?

If there is a question that cannot be answered quickly, it is 'how long should I exercise to lose weight fast?' A quick rundown on why people gain weight or lose weight will enable you to understand better why nobody can answer that question for you unless they know more about your lifestyle, and what you mean by 'exercise'.

First, however, a brief introduction to metabolism, basal metabolic rate (BMR) and the concept of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). These are not just theoretical concepts, but can actually be calculated for each individual by means of two equations that are beyond our scope here. Nevertheless, if you accept that they are measurable quantities then you can understand better that how long you should exercise to lose weight fast depends upon your metabolism and the type of exercise you carry out.

Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body expends energy while at rest - for example, while sleeping. Even though you are doing no physical exercise, your body needs a certain amount of energy to remain functioning as normal. The circulation of your blood, the processes of your central nervous system, the chemical reactions in your liver, your digestive process, the very act of breathing - all of these use up energy.

Energy can be equated with calories. A calorie is a measurement of heat which can be equated with energy. The energy generated by your body, therefore, depends on the calories you consume in your diet. The components of your diet that are responsible for energy production in your body are carbohydrates: cereals, starches, fats, oils, sugars and the carbohydrate portion of proteins that are formed from carbohydrates and amino acids.

Ultimately, the carbohydrates in your diet are digested down into glucose, which along with oxygen is used by your body cells to generate energy. So the more carbohydrates you eat the more energy your body generates. Some of this energy is used by the essential components of your metabolism, as above. This is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate. Knowing this figure is the first step in knowing how to lose weighty fast.

More energy is used by the process of daily living: eating, walking and working. Knowledge of how you live your life can be used to calculate how much energy you use up in the course of a normal day. Naturally, this will be an approximation and a daily average, but it can be calculated and is known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure - your BMR plus what you use during the day. These figures can be expressed as a daily calorie usage. Formulations for these are available online.

So what has this to do with how long you should exercise to lose weight fast? Basically, if you eat calories more than your TDEE, you will put on weight unless you exercise more to use it up. The energy left over unused is stored by your body in fat cells. So what you should do to lose weight is to work out your TDEE and then balance your diet from that, so that no energy is left over and that you, in fact, have an energy deficit. If you use up more energy than you eat, your body will use your fat reserves as an emergency carbohydrate store and you lose weight.

How fast you lose weight depends on the difference between your energy intake (calories) and energy expenditure. You can use calorie charts to determine how many calories are contained in your diet. You can also find calorie charts for exercise online, that let you know how many calories you will lose over a given time carrying out specific types of exercise. The bigger the difference between your calorie expenditure through exercise and your calorie intake in your diet, then the faster you will lose weight.

That is the essential knowledge you require in order to understand how long you should exercise to lose weight fast. The charts will show you that some exercise will enable you to lose weight faster than others, because they use up more calories over the same time period.

The best way to lose weight is not fast, but slowly, and around 2-3 pounds/week is a good average. You can experience an initial rapid weight loss as your body expels its stores of excess water, and then settle down to a good weekly average. However, if you are determined to lose weight for a wedding or some other event that is due shortly, then you are better to exercise more rather than go on a crash diet.

That way, your energy expenditure will exceed your TDEE by more than you eat, and you will lose weight fast without compromising on the essential components of a good diet. Even the best diets should have some fat in them and, and by designing your exercise program, around your diet and your TDEE, then you will lose weight as fast as you like, but in healthy way.

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Losing Weight - Factors to Consider


There are many reasons why being overweight is bad for your health. It can, for example, cause or aggravate type 2 diabetes. Obesity is also a risk factor for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems.

So what do you have to do to lose weight?

Eat less and move more is the trite answer usually received by someone who is overweight.

Of course you can lose weight by reducing the food you eat (energy intake) or increasing the amount of exercise you get (energy output).

But the problem of effective weight-loss is much more complex than simply changing the balance between the calories you consume and the calories you expend in your daily activities.

The search for an effective weight-loss formula requires answers to these four questions:
  • Does genetics play a role in your weight problems and, if so, what can you do about it?
  • How many calories do you need to cut from your diet to lose one pound or kilogram?
  • What are the best types of foods (carbs, fats or proteins) to cut for losing weight?
  • Is exercise much good in helping you lose weight or for keeping weight off?
How genes affect your weight

Many people do their utmost to lose weight without much success. In particular, once they have lost a few kilos, they find it extremely difficult to keep their weight down... it just rises back up again.

This suggests that the problem is genetic.

In fact, more than 30 genes have been linked to obesity. The one with the strongest link is the fat mass and obesity associated gene (FTO).

The obesity-risk variant of the FTO gene affects one in six of the population. Studies suggest that persons who have this gene are 70% more likely to become obese.

According to research published in the UK in 2013 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, people with this gene have higher levels of the ghrelin, the hunger hormone, in their blood. This means they start to feel hungry again soon after eating a meal.

In addition, real-time brain imaging shows that the FTO gene variation changes the way the brain responds to ghrelin and images of food in the regions of the brain linked to the control of eating and reward.

These findings explain why people with the obesity-risk variant of the FTO gene eat more and prefer higher calorie foods... even before they become overweight... compared with those with the low-risk version of the gene.

The FTO gene is not the only genetic cause of obesity, which is likely to be due to the sum of several genes working together.

If you have these 'bad' genes, however, you are not necessarily destined to become overweight... but you are more likely to end up obese if you over-eat.

Having these genes also means that you will need to exercise greater discipline over your diet throughout out your life, especially when you have managed to shred a few pounds and want to keep them off.

How many calories should you cut to lose weight?

The big question for dieters has always been... how many calories do I need to cut out of my diet in order to reduce my weight by a set amount, eg one pound or kilogram?

Once upon a time there was a clear-cut answer to this question.

In 1958 Max Wishnofsky, a New York doctor, wrote a paper that summed up everything known at that time about how calories are stored in our bodies. He concluded that, if your weight is being held steady, it would take a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound (454 grams) in weight.

You could create the calorie deficit either by eating less or exercising more (to use up more calories).

For example, if your weight is holding steady on a diet of 2,000 calories a day and you reduce your intake to 1,500 calories a day, you will lose one pound (nearly half a kilo) in one week, ie 52 pounds or 24kg a year.

Alternatively you could burn an extra 500 calories a day (through exercise) to lose the same amounts of weight over the same time periods.

For years, the Wishnofsky rule was accepted as a verified fact. It underpinned a wide variety of diets.

The only problem is that the rule is wrong. It fails to take into account the changes in metabolism that take place when you go on a weight-reducing diet.

The Wishnofsky rule actually works initially. But after a week or two your weight reaches its minimal level, much to the frustration of myriads of dieters, as your metabolism adjusts to the decrease in your body mass and your reduced intake of food.

Until recently there was no way to predict how consuming fewer calories affects the rate at which you will lose weight, especially when your goal is to lose more than just a few pounds or kilograms.

There are now, however, new complex weight-loss formulas that factor in the drop in metabolic rate that occurs over time as body mass decreases. One example is the Body Weight Planner from the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney and Digestive Diseases in the USA.

What types of foods should you cut to lose weight?

Should you reduce your calories from your fat, carbohydrate or protein intakes? Which will help you lose weight faster?

The numbers of calories in one gram of each of the basic food types are as follows:

  • Fat... 9 calories per gram
  • Drinking Alcohol... 7 calories per gram
  • Proteins... 4 calories per gram
  • Carbohydrates... 4 calories per gram
  • Dietary Fibre... 2 calories per gram

As fats contain more than twice as many calories as carbs and proteins, reducing the fats you eat will work twice as quickly as a reduction in either of the other two types of foods, gram for gram.

This is why diets that concentrate on reducing the fat you eat, such as the Beating Diabetes Diet and the Mediterranean Diet are effective in reducing weight.

But if you want to cut your calorie intake by a fixed amount a day (say 500 calories) will it make any difference as to which type of food you cut down on?

For example, will it make any difference to the amount of weight you lose if you cut 55.6 grams of fat (500 calories) or 125g of carbs (500 calories) or 125g of protein (500 calories) from your diet?

The answer is that there is little difference in the amount of weight people lose whether they cut their calories from carbs or fat.

But calories from proteins are different... according to researchers, high-protein diets tend to increase the number of calories you burn. Why this is so is not clear.

However, when people lose weight they lose muscle as well as fat. The more muscle you lose the more your metabolism slows down which reduces the rate at which you lose weight.

Because it preserves muscle, a protein based diet may reduce the rate at which your metabolism slows down.

The problem is that, if you eat too much protein, you could end up damaging your kidneys. The generally accepted recommendation is that you limit your protein intake to a maximum of 35% of your total daily intake of calories.

So, provided you don't eat too much protein, it is best to reduce weight by cutting down on fats (for the sake of your heart etc) and refined carbs that spike blood glucose levels (especially if you have diabetes).

Does exercise help you lose weight or keep it off?

Cutting down on the food you eat is the best way to lose weight. Exercise is less important, at least in the initial stages.

Exercising when you are trying to lose weight can be tricky. It burns calories for sure but not nearly as many as not eating those calories in the first place.

And exercise increases your appetite, so it is easy to eat back on all the calories you burn during an intense work out.

The recommendation, when you are cutting your food intake to lose weight, is to focus on moderate physical activities such as gardening or brisk walking, rather than going to the gym.

But once you have shred those extra pounds and are down to your ideal weight, exercise becomes important for maintaining your weight at its new healthier level.

Researchers have found that most people who lose weight and manage to keep it off for at least a year exercise regularly for up to an hour every day.

Paul D Kennedy is a type 2 diabetic. He used his skills as an international consultant and researcher to find a way to control his diabetes using diet alone and, about seven years ago, he stopped taking medications to control his blood glucose levels. You can find out more from or by contacting Paul at His book Beating Diabetes is available as a Kindle e-book or a printed book from Amazon. The printed edition is also available from Create Space online book store.

Help Me Lose Weight by Burning Fat in the Gym


It is time to start losing weight when your body is shouting "help me lose weight now." Your health starts to deteriorate and you are feeling the effect of overweight.

All of us look forward to having the good body shape that we have in the days when we were younger. We flipped some of our old photos, admiring how good we look then wishing that our current overweight body was like what we had before. In order to get back to your "good old shape", you'll need planning, discipline and commitment to make it happen.

When people start to lose weight, they will rush in doing it and in fact began to see some results i.e. losing up 15 pounds in as little as 3 months. However, something gone wrong and they stopped losing weight. So what happened? People may start to lose focus or they simply don't have the passion to continue on.

From this trend mentioned above, it is best that you lose weight fast at an early fast, before you lose any focus. By losing weight fast in the early stage of your weight loss journey, then you'll be motivated to continue the journey. Also, you need to have a good work out plan that you enjoy so that you'll be motivated to continue to shed those pounds.

Below are 6 great ways to help you to lose weight fast in the gym and also to ensure you reach your weight loss target:

1) Weight Lifting

Do not know that your muscle tissues will burn more calories compared to your normal exercise routine i.e. running and swimming? By doing weight lifting and building more muscles, you will be burning more fat and hence losing more weight. The metabolism of your body will increase as your build more muscles, and this will result in continuous fat burning in your body. So, will this motivate you to do more weight lifting?

2) Exercise with caution

When you are trying to lose weight, be caution when you are exercising, especially with the gym machines. If you are not familiar with these machines, seek advice from the trainer. Do not take a risk exercising on machines that you are not familiar with as you may hurt yourself.

Getting hurt is the last thing that you want to happen when you are trying to shed those pounds. When you are hurt, you can't exercise and can't move around. When that happens, you may begin to gain some weight. Everything that you've worked on for the past few weeks have been wasted as you see those increasing pounds. You may lose motivation to continue or you may lose the momentum you have created. The worst part is you hurt yourself so badly that it hurts when you want to exercise again.

Even if you are able to continue with your weight loss journey, your target weight will definitely take longer to reach. You will have to start all over again and that is not easy. So, take precaution whenever you are exercising and slow down when you feel that you have overworked - always listen to your body signals.

3) Have a good healthy diet

You have a good exercise program in the gym, you workout and you feel good about it. However, remember that there are 2 sides to losing weight - exercise and diet. You must combine your exercise with a good and healthy diet. It is useless if you exercise well, but are engaging in unhealthy food after the gym session. This will put a set-back to your weight loss program.

After your gym session, drink lots of water instead of taking the soda which contained lots of sugar. Sugar will not do any good to your body as they tend to create more body fat. Also spread out your meals. Eat small portions each time for up to 5 times a day. By doing this, you will be increasing the metabolism in your body.

4) Have a good plan for your workout

You need to plan on areas that you need to work out. I know most people will just jump on any gym machines, start to work out hard, thinking that they are doing a great job in losing weight. This is a wrong thinking.

You need to plan your workout effectively. Take note of each machine in the gym and in what area are they effective on. If you are not sure, then talk to the gym trainer. When you know how these gym machines affect your body, then you will be able to plan your workout more effectively. By planning your workout, you will accelerate to lose more pounds.

You should only plan to work out 3 to 4 times per week and around 30 to 45 minutes per session. If you work harder than this, it will not help to shed more pounds. Never think that the more workout you do, you'll be losing more weight. Think along the line of effective workout to lose weight.

If you overworked your body, instead of losing more weight, you will be burning less calories. This is because your muscles will break down if you overworked them. I have this wrong idea when I was young and would go to gym almost every day. How wrong I am!

5) Take nutritional supplements

Want to accelerate your fat burning process in the gym? Then consider getting nutritional supplements. In order to help you burn more calories, you can consider taking fatty acids, amino acids and why protein. You need to specifically buy and take these nutrients as they are generally not found in your daily food. Again, if you are not sure what to take, consult the trainer at your favourite gym. Never take fat burning pills which promise you a sky - instant weight loss without any workout. Those pills may work on short-term, it will not be consistent to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is still to combine a good planned workout with a healthy diet.

6) Have weekly goals

Always track your progress on weekly basis. If you do not track your progress, you will not know where you are going. Monitor your progress and you'll know if your workout is effective.

Sometimes you may do the same workout for a few months and you do not seem to lose weight. When that happens, take a break and analyse your workout. Is there anything that you can adjust to make it more effective or you can consult the trainer at your favourite gym to have a more effective workout.

If you listen to the abovementioned steps for an effective workout in the gym, I am sure your will be well on your way to reduce weight and your body no longer have to shout "help me to lose weight now".

So, go on be consistent and work smartly on your gym routine instead of doing things in a disorganized and inconsistent manner and I am sure you'll reach your weight loss target in no time.

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16 Reasons to Lose Weight


by Sarah Labdar

Most people want to lose weight because of the obvious reasons; they want to look better, be more attractive and they don't want to be fat because being fat carries a stigma in our society of being lazy and unattractive. Wherever you look skinny people are idolized in magazines, on TV and on the Internet as being popular, attractive and successful. Everyone wants these qualities because it boosts self-esteem, which is something that people who are overweight battle with on a daily basis. From a very young age right up until adulthood, being overweight comes with a self-consciousness. The 21st century has brought about a health craze, now more than ever people are trying to lose weight. With TV shows like the "Biggest Loser" and "Dance You're A** Off" we are promoting not only losing weight but becoming healthier. There are so many reasons to want to lose weight however the healthier reasons should be closer to the top of the list rather than the aesthetic ones. Use these reasons to motivate you to lose excess weight.

1. Reduce Asthma Symptoms-Although asthma is not caused by extra weight on the body, excess weight can worsen and aggravate asthma symptoms. When your overweight, the respiratory system has to work harder. Excess weight puts a strain on the lungs and adrenal glands, which manage asthma symptoms. Losing weight can reduce asthma symptoms as well as minimize the frequency of their appearance.

2. Better Breathing- Excess weight puts pressure on the internal organs, which include your lungs. More weight puts strain on the lungs making them have to work harder to breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. By losing weight, there is less pressure on your lungs making it easier for oxygen and nutrients to be spread throughout the body.

3. Improve Blood Pressure- Overweight people have double the risk for hypertension (high blood pressure). This is caused because the excess weight puts pressure on the veins, making the heart have to pump harder to push the blood throughout the body. When you lose weight its easier for the blood to circulate throughout the body therefore lowering blood pressure.

4. Decrease the Risk of Heart Disease- Excess weight around the abdominal section of the body increases the risk for life threatening diseases such as heart disease. To reduce this risk you need to lose weight, especially around the mid section.

5. Lower Cholesterol-Being overweight increases your risk of having high LDL bad cholesterol, and low HDL good cholesterol. By losing weight you can lower LDL, lower total cholesterol and improve HDL cholesterol. It can also keep you off cholesterol medications that your doctor may recommend.

6. Decrease Medication- Many medications, prescriptions and OTC medications can be traced back to carrying excess weight on the body. Doctors prescribe all types of medications for people who are overweight such as blood pressure (antihypertensive), cholesterol (statin), insulin for diabetes, and drugs to lower blood sugars. However, by losing weight you can reduce the need for these medications. You can even reverse the effects so medication is no longer needed.

7. Reverse Type 2 Diabetes-Obesity is a major risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes is the most common disease for people who are overweight. However, you can reverse the effects by losing weight. Weight loss is the most recommended treatment for people who are borderline diabetic. By losing weight you can regulate blood sugar levels and normalize insulin secretion in the body.

8. Reduced Risk of Cancer- Obesity has been linked to some forms of cancer. Women who are overweight are more prone to have breast cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer. Men who are overweight are more prone to prostate and colon cancer. By losing weight you reduce the risk for any and all of these cancers.

9. Relieve Arthritis Pain- Excess weight puts added pressure on the joints such as the knees and ankles. For people who have arthritis, inflammation in these joints already reduces mobility and function. By losing weight you can reduce the pressure on these joints, which can relieve arthritis pain. It will also improve function in these joints making it easier to move.

10 Relieve Aches and Pains- Our feet bear all the weight of our entire body. The more weight you have the more stress your feet have to bear on a daily basis. When you lose weight there is less pressure on your feet making it easier to move around and be active.

11. Better Skin- With every pound of extra weight, the more your skin stretches. As we age the elasticity in your skin declines. Therefore having excess weight as you age will decrease the ability of your skins elasticity. Additionally ones diet can cause changes in ones skin color and elasticity. Overweight people consume larger amounts of carbohydrates and sugars, which causes skin to be paler in color and can increase the amount of skin tags, excess growths of skin on the outside of the body. By reducing these types of foods in ones diet, you can lose weight and also revitalize the skin.

12. Sleep Sound- People who are overweight have a higher risk for sleep disorders. Excess weight can increase the likelihood of diminished sleep due to sleep apnea. Sleep apnea disrupts sound sleep, which reduces the ability to sleep all the way through the night. By losing weight you can decrease sleep apnea symptoms and sleep all the way through the night.

13. Increased Endurance and Stamina- With every extra pound added to ones weight, you reduce the ability to do every day activities because you become tired or winded. As these activities become difficult you try to avoid them or find ways around them. However if you lose weight it becomes easier to walk, exercise, climb stairs, etc.

14. Better Mood- When one is overweight the bodies system is out of balance. This includes the amount of hormones that control mood. Overweight people are at risk for severe depression and most suffer from depressive feelings. Additionally depression can cause one to become overweight because depression reduces the desire to help or prevent themselves from becoming overweight. Losing weight can improve ones overall well being, boosting self-image and self-confidence. Exercise increases the release of endorphins, a hormone that enhances mood, which eliminates depressive feelings. To balance the hormones in the body reduce the amount of fat tissue in the body.

15. Increase Quality of Life- Overweight people typically suffer from low self esteem, have feelings of shame, and are more socially isolated. Additionally, sexual performance can be compromised by excess weight. When you lose weight you become more confident in yourself. You have confidence in your appearance and you feel better about not only the way you look but also yourself in general. This improves your ability to meet people, gain friends, socialize, and have romantic relationships.

16. Increase Longevity- Added weight on the body not only increases the risk of disease, but it reduces ones life expectancy. Losing weight can drastically increase the length of ones life. Eating healthier and exercising can increase the longevity of ones life. This includes eliminating and avoiding bad habits.

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!

Fastest and Natural Way to Lose Weight


What is weight?

Weight loss is a major topic for discussion within and outside medical boundaries. In medical arena, weight loss is seen as a method for gaining back one's health, while others are more concerned with the physical attributes that come about as a result of it, mainly in the form of better perceived physical appeal.

Why it is important to get rid of your extra body fat?

Generally, extra body fat indicates the presence of accumulated fatty substances that deposit themselves under the skin, and hence show up easily. This extra body fat is largely believed to be an indication of ill-health, as it is a reflection of the fatty deposits that accumulate on the inner walls of arteries and arterioles, and it is of utmost importance to get rid of this body fat to get a healthy life with smart body

Facts regarding weight loss

Weight loss can be of two types, one which takes place unintentionally may be a result of ill-health. However, when it is a result of voluntary effort with the intention of improving ones health, it is a healthy process. Indeed, weight loss can be attained through different means; one may decide to exercise sufficiently to lose weight, or resort to a change in diet, or even a combination of the two. There are many people who resort to using medication to drop their weight rapidly. Medical practitioners dispute the merits of the latter, as the long-term effects of this measure are unpredictable.

Naturally lose weight in a fun way

The best way to lose weight involves doing something as part of your routine that you enjoy. For some people, this involves having a few friends with whom they can go and visit a gymnasium regularly. Along with this, they might implement a diet that is sustainable and one that will take them towards good health and stay clear of wearing them thin on mineral resources and other important nutrients. Often, people fall for fad diets and they adhere to them along with an exercise routine, which is dangerous because in a short time they can find themselves depleting their vital resources.

Apart from using the gym, one may decide on playing a sport one fancies. Some people are known to begin with mild to medium intensity training in martial arts, depending on their age, state of health, etc.
It is important remember that when taking up a physical activity that suits you in the long run, you need to have a balanced diet and stay clear of medication to lose weight. If you decide to use medication, you might lose weight rapidly, but when you take yourself off it, you might experience weight gain, dissatisfaction and lethargy amid other side effects.

Is it good to use pills to lose weight?

While pills may have tremendous effects when it comes to rapid loss in weight, there are medical concerns. First of all, it is not a natural way of losing weight, which means that it does not change a human being's habit. In turn, when a person stops using these pills, they may start gaining weight again because they have not changed their lifestyles. Additionally, medical experts believe there could be long-term consequences when people use pills to lose weight. The ultimate result of using pills to lose weight has not been defined, which seriously means that there might be severe risks associated with their use. 

Methods to reduce your weight quickly

While long-term and sustainable implementation of diets along with appropriate physical activity is recommended for losing weight, sometimes people want to lose weight rapidly. This is particularly the case when they face serious health and life-threatening issues.

  • One method of losing weight rapidly includes using pills. One has to undergo an assessment prior to using this method. Only a physician who has examined an individual can recommend these. The results are startling, as people are known to start showing signs of weight loss in a matter of days.
  • Another method of losing weight, although a little slower, is through diets that subtract your weight gaining substances. An example of such a diet is the Cabbage Diet. These kinds of diets have to be administered over a short period, as long-term adherence to it could ruin your health.
  • Apart from adjusting what one consumes in order to lose weight, there is also the concept of intense exercise routines that people can put them self's through. This helps one to lose weight do to the fact that calories get burned rapidly. One example of a typical exercise in this method is the treadmill. The more you use, the more you will lose weight. However, here again, there is an issue of sustainability, as the intensity of exercise is sure to wear a person out after a short amount of time.
  • Another method of losing weight rapidly that does not work for all people is by skipping meals. Many people decide to skip lunch of dinner in order to cut down on around one-third of their consumption. While some people are known to experience weight loss through this approach, medical experts ponder over the wisdom of it. This is because there can be severe issues with one's digestive system when meals are skipped; digestive fluids begin to act on the very walls of the digestive tract that produce them.

Tips to help you lose weight:

It is important to keep in mind that people of all ages are likely to suffer with overweight-related health issues. However, the following points pertain to people between the ages of 20 and 40.

  • People are known to use weight loss pills and other formulas for losing weight. These are not really advised unless you feel that you are running out of time and need to lose weight rapidly before something severe happens to you. Using pills and medication for weight loss does not form any good habits, and you are likely to go back t your old bad routine and eating habits.
  • People past the age of 20 are known to suffer with a condition known as obesity. They may be suffering with this due to sustained childhood obesity. Since this issue is most likely to have been prompted by inactivity, it is thought the individual has to be gradually drawn into a healthier lifestyle.
  • Whether you have been overweight since your childhood or not, you still have to get into a healthier mode of physical activity. Initially, one can start by taking leisurely strolls in the mornings. The length and sped of these can be gradually be increased in order to boost the burning of calories.
  • Intense and strenuous workouts are also used in order to burn calories. However, this needs to be implemented in accordance with...
  • Consuming naturally produced foods that are meant to reduce weight trough their medicinal properties. This includes the consumption of things like Green Tea that is known to cut your cut. Some people prefer to go for consuming grape fruit juice. This is known to be very effective, but they need to discuss this with their physician, especially if they are on medication.
  • Non sustainable diets such as fad diets can be used for reducing one's weight. The weight loss may be rapid, but the diet itself may not be sustainable.
  • Sustainable diets are those that are well balanced and don't deny you of your vital nutrients. These diets tend to show slower progress, but in the long run they can lead you to better eating habits and a better lifestyle.
  • Sustainable diets and adequate exercise is thought to be the right approach to losing weight. The intensity of the exercise may vary according to one's age and physical well being, and the diet too can be adjusted to meet the nutritional demands of an individual.

Weight Loss is All in Your Mind

It's often the will to do something that leads you to success. Indeed, many people end up remaining unhealthy and fat throughout their lives because they simply believe that they can't lose weight. This is completely contrary to the truth! If you develop the will and have every intention of losing weight, you can say that you have already won half the battle. Indeed, it is the will to achieve your goal that will drive you, and one may even go as far as saying that it's all about how much you really want to lose weight, gain your good health back and also look great.

Natural Weight Loss and Fat Burning Advice to Change Your Life

Consuming the right foods in the right proportion can help you lose weight. Such a diet has to be designed carefully by a dietician. Along with this, you will need to have a decent exercise routine in order to guarantee a healthy routine. The right activity along with the right consumption of food goes hand-in-hand. Over a period of time, when you adhere to this lifestyle, you are bound to experience the merits of it.

The best way to lose weight is through a natural process that includes adequate exercise that burns calories coupled with a decent diet that reduces the unnecessary weight gaining and fatty substances that ruin our health. If one succeeds in putting these two together, it is almost certain that you will lose weight and settle into a healthy lifestyle.

Nowadays people are always talking about change, but its really funny fact that when change happens they really don t like at first or if this change is directly concern with their lifestyle they will try to avoid it. In above discussion I try to demonstrate some basic facts how to loose weight quickly in a natural way which will not harm your life style or daily routine. Now, it's really up to you how you manage your self to reduce weight to get change in your life.

Top Effective Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Here Are Free Weight Loss Tips


The internet is swamped with many tips on effective ways to shed off weight fast such that it can be difficult for dieters to decide which program is best for maximum results. No need to panic, though reducing weight can be a challenging task, there are plenty of free effective tips to shed of body fat fast that work and will produce best weight reduction results that you have always wanted. So if you want the best way to shed off unwanted body fat fast and keep it off permanently, this article will show you which methods work.

1. Effective ways to Lose Weight Fast Tip # 1

If you read a lot of weight related books and guides, you will discover that one of the repeatedly emphasized tips to maximum weight loss includes proper diet and nutrition. Usually this is easier said than done because dieters find themselves going back to the foods that made them fat and discard the meal plan altogether. One of the top tips to keep in mind is to change your eating habits gradually until you eliminate all unhealthy foods. I know how hard this can be that's why i recommend that you do this gradually instead of all at once. In order to lose weight easily, you have to understand that food is a very important aspect of your journey to lose weight. Whatever types of food you eat can either increase your weight or help reduce it. The top effective ways to lose weight fast through proper diet and nutrition is to eat foods that accelerate weight reduction and also help to reduce weight fast such as raw fruits and vegetables, organic meat, fish, eggs and plenty other unprocessed foods..

2. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 2

The second tip to effective weight loss is to avoid all processed foods and carbonated drinks from your meal plan. I mention this quite a lot in my articles because though important, most dieters ignore it and wonder why they just can't lose weight fast. Your meal plan is a very important part of your weight loss goals and one of the top effective ways to lose weight fast is to concentrate on raw organic foods that do not contain any sweeteners or additives. The additives almost always contain sugar which is high in calories and bad for weight loss. Another tip includes avoiding carbonated drinks and sodas which also contain sweeteners high in sugar. These additives or addictives as i like to call them make you crave for more and more.Instead, a tip on the effective ways to lose weight fast is to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, this will not only flush out toxins from your body but water will help you to lose weight fast by curbing out cravings for sweets and biscuits as you feel fuller with each gulp. A plus for water intake is that it does not contain any calories therefore making it one of the top effective ways to lose weight fast. Water intake will also boost your metabolism and keep you energized from all your intensive workout routines.

3. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 3

The third top effective way to eliminate body fat fast is to stay motivated and to persevere. When starting a weight loss program, most dieters think they can just apt and get started and start seeing results today. Weight loss does not work like that, most dieters fail with it because they lose motivation with their workout or perhaps their cardio routines are too long and boring or maybe they hate half the food on their meal plan. Weight loss can be a challenge but it is not impossible. You need to stay motivated in order to achieve your weight loss goals. Find a workout partner, join a gym, be innovative with your meal plan, if you don't like cabbage use lettuce instead, have fun and don't beat yourself up too much. If you cheat, don't stop just get back up and keep focusing on your weight loss goals. One of the top effective ways to maximum weight reduction is to stay positive and surround yourself with people who want to achieve weight loss so that you can learn and share.

4. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 4

Working out is one of the top effective ways to reduce weight fast but if you want maximum weight loss, you need to take it up a notch. Long hours of boring cardio are not going to help you out on this one, you need to combine strength training with cardio to achieve maximum weight loss. For top effective ways to lose weight fast with exercise, it is recommended to get a trainer if possible. A common mistake that dieters make is to workout specific parts of the body where they want to see weight loss like the arms, the thighs or belly. There may be some exercise routines or machines meant for these specific body parts but if you want top effective ways to lose weight fast, you need to workout out all the large muscle groups in your body, work the entire body and you will drop the scale numbers. When was the last time you saw a fat person with really thin arms, not a pretty sight. You need to workout your entire body for a better sculpture and slim looking body.

There you have you top 4 effective ways to lose weight fast and keep it off permanently. I know how hard this can be but though challenging, you can do it. Think of that sexy body you want and how great you will look in that bikini. Think of those nice sexy abs you've always wanted, you can achieve weight goals that you deserve, get started today and start seeing results immediately.

What if after trying everything you still can't shed off that unwanted body fat. I know how hard, challenging and daunting weight loss can be but if you really want to gain your self esteem back and boost your self confidence, you will need weight loss methods that work and produce permanent results.

You can find more free information on what is the best way to lose weight fast []. Don't give up hope, it is NOT impossible. Get your free copy of a 7 day e-course to Permanent weight loss and vibrant health at the top Effective ways to lose weight fast [] link.

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How To Lose Weight For A Busy Person

Can learning how to lose weight for a busy person make you more stressed? Not if you can make this simple changes into habits that you will be able to do without thinking about it.

You know what it's like when you sit down for 5 minutes and all of the sudden feel tired? I joke with my hair clients that almost fall asleep in the chair during their shampoo. If they have been so busy that day, they just melt in the chair because they finally sat down and relaxed. The body just seems to let go and the energy runs out.

If you are a busy person, you know what I am talking about. No wonder it is difficult to learn how to lose weight for a busy person, because there is not enough time in the day, even for relaxing.

But, there is hope. Since you are so busy, you must be generally healthy and that is all you need to make some simple changes to your routine and make them a habit.

How To Lose Weight For A Busy Person

Water bottle Relationship
If you don't have a good water bottle, get one. Fill it up and take it everywhere with you. You should be drinking 50-80 oz a day. Drinking a ton of water is what most people do that experience weight loss success. It helps you to have energy and suppress your appetite.

Eat Less
Since you may not have much time to eat, eat less. Watch your portions during meals. Even if you are tempted, don't skip meals. Eat at least an apple or banana or something. Eat less carbohydrates and foods with sugar.

Take 5 minutes and gulp down your vitamins. Good quality vitamins will help you to feel more energized and less stressed to tackle your day. They can also help to speed up your metabolism.

Essential Oils
Using essential oils is the most convenient way I found to shed unwanted pounds for someone busy. I use the kind that you can take internally. It is so easy. I just drop a few drops into my water and drink it throughout the day. I feel energized, satisfied and happy. Cravings are thing of the past.

Being busy is not a bad thing. It means that you are a giving, thoughtful person and are trying your best to get everything done. But, remember to take some time for yourself, even if it is only 10 minutes. To be the best you, you need to focus on yourself a little everyday.

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